Aquamonix becomes a member of Floodplain Management Australia

Aquamonix is pleased to advise that we have become a Corporate Member of Floodplain Management Australia (FMA)

FMA promotes development within floodplain areas to reduce the risks of flooding to life and property. The members include over 120 councils, catchment management authorities, businesses, and professionals involved in all aspects of urban and rural floodplain risk management.  FMA participates in initiatives such as the National Floods Forum, National Flood Risk Advisory Group, and the Planning Institute of Australia’s Post Disaster Flood Planning Seminars held in Queensland and New South Wales.

With over 25 years of experience in the Flood Warning field, Aquamonix is Australia’s leading provider of remote monitoring and control systems for extreme weather events and public alerting systems.  We provide automated solutions that reliably monitor rainfall, weather and river conditions in real time, to deliver critical warnings and support local response activities.

Our expertise extends from the design, supply and installation of complete systems, through to the provision of experienced engineers, hydrographers and field teams to support the long-term operation, maintenance and data management functions. With the recent acquisition of ELPRO Technologies, Aquamonix now provides a complete range of remote flood monitoring, communication and warning systems across Australia and internationally via our global channel partners.


Technical Support capability improved

Flowmeter tech support capability


Aquamonix Emflux flowmeters approved for Victorian urban water market  

Aquamonix Irrigation Modernisation team Hay PID

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Aquamonix to the rescue in regional Western Australia!