Aquamonix supplies pipe burst alarm system in Hunter Valley region

Aquamonix is proud to provide innovative metering solutions at our customers convenience!

The Aquamonix flow metering team have developed a pipe burst alarm system for coal mining operations and purposes in Hunter Valley and near surroundings. The site owned by MACH Energy is located at Mt. Pleasant, with site maintenance and design completed by YORE contractors.

The team conducted a radio survey which helped lay the foundation for the project. Aquamonix supplied contractors with 10 flowmeters. The meters consisted of many custom 2060 flowmeters, and I500 and M500 flowmeter transmitters. The meters are supplied for general water monitoring and for tailing slurry purposes.


Robust ELPRO Technologies telemetry unit the ‘Condor radio was also used into the project. The Condor is a key element in the functionality of the alarm system. The system ensures the YORE contractors can monitor pipeline integrity and respond to any potential pipe bursts. Aquamonix provided effective training for the system operators throughout the installation.

Aquamonix remains committed to partnering with key clients in the customisation, design and deployment of innovative metering and monitoring solutions.



• Custom internal bore with abrasive tailings spec liner
• Custom flange to match the site’s poly pipe
• Pipe burst system detection to provide instantaneous alarming
• Meter communications serial and 4-20mA into both Condor and PLC
• Single Condor communication with multiple meters using RS485
• Remote solar operation for some sites comprising I500, Condor and 2060


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