Decoder Programmer
The Aquamonix range of programming and fault finding tools are marketed globally under Tonick Watering.
Tonick Watering have a range of programming equipment and innovative fault finding tools to ensure your systems are installed and maintained correctly.
The 2-Wire Decoder Programmer and tester is suitable for use with all Tonick based decoders and DIAS systems, making the process of addressing/re-addressing decoder a simple and easy process.
- Simple programming method
- 3-digit LED display, for addressing 1 to 127
- Simple raise and lower push button addressing
- Easy push button to program
- Simple test function to check the address and operation of a decoder, with a PASS/FAIL LED
- Large terminals for push connecting decoder wires
Variants PSU-TW-2W-P/T-AU
- Unit supplied Australian power supply
- Unit supplied European power supply
- Unit supplied US style power supply
- Supply voltage 24V AC centre tapped transformer, operating at 50 to 60Hz
Line Signalling
- Can program up to 127 Tonick 2 Wire decoders, or DIAS (Decoder in a Solenoid)
- Custom firmware for OEM systems
- Compatible with all Tonick decoders and with Decoder-In-A-Solenoid (DIAS)
- Compatible with all Tonick sensor decoders for moisture, pressure, water level, flow and digital inputs
- 8-bit RISC. 8MIPs, 64K flash / 4K RAM / 4K EEPROM
- Re-writable application in general flash space. Uses Kanda Keyfob programmer
The Tonick BT2 should be wired as follows:
- 8 pin DIN connection – power supply unit
- Two wire terminal 1 (red/white) – decoder active wire or a DIAS wire
- Two wire terminal 2 (black/yellow) –Decoder neutral wire or a DIAS wire
- Solenoid terminal 3 (yellow/purple) –decoder
- Solenoid terminal 4 (yellow/white) –decoder
- The RS485 is optically isolated from the Tonick BT2 decoder circuits by at least 1KV to help protect against lightning surges propagating into the host controller