WA Waterwise Expo

At the recent WA Waterwise EXPO, we showcased the latest in Innovative Australian Made Irrigation technology. As the market leader in irrigation automation and irrigation efficiency, we experienced strong interest in a range of solutions. We were also appreciative of the great work done by Don Low and Total Eden have done by ensuring that key end users, market influencers and specifiers came to visit us.

WA Waterwise Expo at a glance in the amazing Optus Stadium

  1. Our stand was busy with people who are interested to learn about our product and use it
  2. We had products which are relevant to the current key issues for irrigators – irrigation efficiency and compliance management
  3. The market is buzzing at the moment off the back of the City of Perth project and wanted to learn more
  4. There was strong interest in RainMAN CCS, RainMAN X and the Wireless RainWAN.
  5. The Standpipe Monitoring System and the innovative RainMAG was rolled out as a concept and we even received orders for these!

Technical Support capability improved

Flowmeter tech support capability

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Aquamonix partners with the Australian Hydrographers Association

Atkinson dam outlet flowmeter

Aquamonix supplies Atkinson Dam outlet flowmeter


Aquamonix installs flood monitoring system for Coolmunda Dam – Inglewood, QLD