NSW Non-urban Water Metering | You Must Comply

Aquamonix EMFLUX is helping local farmers and irrigators to comply in NSW with the new Non-urban Water Metering regulations.

We have set up up a one stop website that provides a simple step by step guide to compliance and being meter ready. The website also provides useful information and resources for farmers and irrigators, including videos, links to regulatory information and frequently asked questions around water metering and compliance.


By the December 1, 2024 all farmers and irrigators in eastern and coastal NSW areas will be required by law to comply with NSW Non Urban Water Metering regulations. This might seem like a long way off, but the time passes quickly, and farmers and irrigators need to ensure they comply by the date, or risk penalties and the full force of the law.

Aquamonix EMFLUX has long been an industry leader and trusted partner and supplier in Australia when it comes to irrigation, metering and managing water resources.

The company is Australia’s only designer and manufacturer of Magnetic Flow Meters fully approved to meet all requirements for NSW metering. Their AS4747 Pattern Approved flow meters are individually wet flow tested and calibrated, along with their corresponding transmitters, at the Aquamonix manufacturing and flow testing facility in Milperra, NSW. Aquamonix EMFLUX have been operating for more than 40 years and have an installed base of over 40 000 flow meters across the country.

If you are a farmer or irrigator in eastern and coastal NSW drawing water from any water source, including surface water, such as rivers, creeks and dams; and ground water, such as bores and wells, then you will need to comply by the set dates.

Take away the hassle and make the path to compliance as smooth as possible, by making use of the Aquamonix EMFLUX NSW Non-urban Water Metering website.

NMI Approval 1500

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